mercredi 4 juin 2014

Little bit of sewing ... /et un peu de couture...

This Week, I took 
a break from knitting and crochet.
And I made this roll pocket.
 I love when my knitting accessories are stored, because it is then easier to find them or whether to buy a new one.
So this is my new pocket. 



And as I said last time, here are two other nominees for the liebster award:

1) this nice blog : Jabbott.
2)and this one beautiful: forgetmenotsblue

So girls it is your turn.

Miss. xx

4 commentaires:

  1. Firstly thank you for nominating me for the liebester awards. I have heard a little about them, but do not know a lot about how it works. Secondly love the roll organiser you have made. You will be forever organised now!!

  2. This is such a cute project! I have a similar patter, but I am no good at sewing. I can do a little hand sewing with felt. This summer, my goal is to practice sewing! I love to have my crochet hooks very organized too. Right now, they are just in a small pouch. I need something like this!

  3. I love your hook organizer. I keep mine in an old plastic pen case and I always wanted to make something like this. It's amazing!

  4. Lovely little tool roll, the colours are fab! x


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Miss xx