C'est les beaux jours...et il y a plein d'activités à faire au début du printemps.
Le jardin (que je suis contente de retrouver après de long mois d'hiver) se refait une beauté.
Entre retourner la terre, faire les sections pour un potager au carré ...ou presque, semer, repiquer les plantes...etc...etc...etc... pas le temps de beaucoup de chose.
Mais cela fait tellement du bien, ce soleil, cette chaleur, ce travail.
Sauf que voilà!!
le jardin prend TOUT le temps en ce moment.
Jardin = au sens large = comprendre Terrain tout entier!!!
Bah oui, il y a des arbres à replanter: on est comme ça chez nous, quand un arbre casse (c'est la faute au vent!), on en replante un.
Déjà, c'est beau et en plus c'est pour le patrimoine naturel.
Et puis du vent... on en a eu cet hiver!
Et puis il y a tout ces Dahlias de malheur à remettre en terre aussi.
Ah c'est beau!! mais ça se multiplie comme les lapins ces fleurs là!
Remarquez, c'est économique, avec un seul dahlias, un an après on triple notre affaire!
Alors après quelques années, je vous laisse faire les comptes.
Tout cela pour dire que j'ai remis en terre environ 40 dahlias.
Bon! je vous passe tout le temps de nettoyage du terrain et la réinstallation du salon de jardin.
À chaque printemps, on vit un vrai déménagement!
Et là, il y a ma couverture en crochet qui me regarde et qui m'attend.
Qui prend quelques centimètres par semaines.
Que je trouve toujours plus belle et toujours plus chaude.
Une couverture qui comprend que vos enfants passent avant tout (surtout quand Little Man est malade et que Little Miss passe des examens à l'école), qui comprend qu'il y a des priorités saisonnières , et que le jardin passe ensuite, et qu'il y a aussi d'autres projets tricot en cours, qui comprend que le superbe mais vraiment trop compliqué châle de Jane Austen Knits sera plus pratique pour les soirées fraîches de l'été et plus romantique aussi, et que la poupée en tricot est toute nue et attend ces habits!!
et surtout que la fatigue gagne à tous les coups!!!
Non, la vie n'est pas simple!!!
It's sunny days ... and there are plenty of activities to do in the early spring.
The garden (which I am glad to find after long winter months) is getting a makeover.
Between turning the soil, making the sections for a square garden... almost, sowing, transplanting plants ... etc ... etc ... etc ... no time for much of anything.
But it feels so good, the sun, the heat, work.
Except that here !!
garden takes ALL the time now.
Garden = understand entire Land !!!
Well yes, there are trees to plant: it's like that at home, when there is a broken tree (that is the fault of the wind!), We replanted one.
Already, it's beautiful and it's more for natural heritage.
And then the wind ... we got it this winter!
And then there are all these doom Dahlias to replant into land too.
Ah, it is beautiful !! but it multiplies like rabbits these flowers there!
Notice, it is economical with a single dahlias, one year after we triple our business!
Then after a few years I'll let you do the accounts.
All this to say that I put about 40 dahlias in the ground.
Wel! I'll spare you all the ground cleaning time and reinstalling the garden.
Each spring, it is like a real move!
And then there is my hook blanket that looks at me and waits for me.
Which takes a few centimeters per week.
I always find more beautiful and always warmer.
A cover that includes your children come first (especially when Little Man is sick and Little Miss passes exams at school), which includes that there are seasonal priorities, and then passes after the garden, and that there are also other knitting projects underway, including the beautiful but really too complicated shawl from Jane Austen Knits will be more practical for cool summer evenings and romantic too, and the knit doll naked and waiting for those clothes !!
especially as fatigue wins every time !!!
No, life is not easy !!!
The garden (which I am glad to find after long winter months) is getting a makeover.
Between turning the soil, making the sections for a square garden... almost, sowing, transplanting plants ... etc ... etc ... etc ... no time for much of anything.
But it feels so good, the sun, the heat, work.
Except that here !!
garden takes ALL the time now.
Garden = understand entire Land !!!
Well yes, there are trees to plant: it's like that at home, when there is a broken tree (that is the fault of the wind!), We replanted one.
Already, it's beautiful and it's more for natural heritage.
And then the wind ... we got it this winter!
And then there are all these doom Dahlias to replant into land too.
Ah, it is beautiful !! but it multiplies like rabbits these flowers there!
Notice, it is economical with a single dahlias, one year after we triple our business!
Then after a few years I'll let you do the accounts.
All this to say that I put about 40 dahlias in the ground.
Wel! I'll spare you all the ground cleaning time and reinstalling the garden.
Each spring, it is like a real move!
And then there is my hook blanket that looks at me and waits for me.
Which takes a few centimeters per week.
I always find more beautiful and always warmer.
A cover that includes your children come first (especially when Little Man is sick and Little Miss passes exams at school), which includes that there are seasonal priorities, and then passes after the garden, and that there are also other knitting projects underway, including the beautiful but really too complicated shawl from Jane Austen Knits will be more practical for cool summer evenings and romantic too, and the knit doll naked and waiting for those clothes !!
especially as fatigue wins every time !!!
No, life is not easy !!!
PS: J'aime beaucoup vous lire et j'en profite pour vous remercier toutes de vos commentaires.
Vos encouragements, vos impressions, vos liens : tout ça compte beaucoup pour moi :)
I love to read from you and I want to thank you all for your comments.
Your encouragement, your impressions, links: all this is precious to me :)
Your encouragement, your impressions, links: all this is precious to me :)
Such a beautiful season spring, but as you say very busy too. All the hard work in the garden will be worth it in the end, when you see all the beauty.
RépondreEffacerYour garden may require lots of work, but I bet it would be lovely to sit there once everything is in full bloom!
RépondreEffacerAllé courage ... tu vas bientôt profiter de ton jardin et crocheter et tricoter dehors .... bises
RépondreEffacerOh!Dommage que tu sois un tantinet si loin, je prendrais bien un ou deux dahlias en pension chez moi ! et aussi quelques cours de jardinage ... :)
RépondreEffacerMais c'est vrai c'est dur pour ta si jolie couverture !:)
Bon we!
La vie n'est pas simple...mais elle est tellement belle...
RépondreEffacerSurtout quando on a une jolie famille et un joli jardin !!!!
Bisous et bon week end !