Il y a des projets au tricot ou au crochet qu'on a vraiment envie de faire.
Une idée d'un livre ou vue sur un blog...peu importe...
Mais parfois ou souvent, il y a des projets qui nous plaisent encore plus!! et là on est pressé de les faire...
Alors on laisse nos premiers ouvrages pour quelques temps...
Mais il faut bien les finir ces ouvrages.
Soit pour nous même!! pour la satisfaction du travail accompli.
Soit pour rassurer notre homme qui panique à l'idée qu'on achète encore de la laine!!!
Ou bien encore pour faire plaisir à une Little Miss qui attendait sa petite couverture...(gentille petite Fille qui est patiente!!!)
Ou pour les 3 raisons à la fois!!!
J'avais commencé l'automne dernier, une couverture vue dans un livre!!
Aller voir des vieux posts et vous verrez!!
Et comme je le disais d'autres choses sont venues prendre la place de cette couverture... mais il fallait bien la finir!!
Sauf que le modèle original est beaucoup plus grand et toujours avec des granny et des fleurs.
Mais franchement, j'avais pas envie de continuer plus grand.
Peut-être avec une autre laine cela aurait été plus agréable.
Mais j'avais une laine assez é red heart super saver...( bah oui il faut aussi épuiser les stocks) et donc j'ai abrégé!
J'avais un carré assez raisonnable.
J'ai juste fait une bordure en violet pour rappeler les fleurs, une bordure en vert pour les pétales et voilà le travail!!!
ET......Finalement le résultat ne me déplait pas...
There are projects in Knit or crochet we really want to do.
An idea of a book or view on a blog ... whatever ...
But sometimes or often there are projects that we like even more !! and here we are pressed to do ...
So we leave our first works for some time ...
But we must finish these works.
Either for ourselves !! for job satisfaction.
Or maybe to reassure our man who panics at the thought that still buy wool !!!
Or perhaps to please a Little Miss awaiting her little blanket ... (sweet little girl who is patient !!!)
Or for 3 reasons !!!
I started last fall, blanket view in a book !!
Go and see old posts !!
And as I said other things came to take the place of this cover ... but I had to finish it !!
Except that the original model is much bigger and always with granny and flowers.
Superb !!
But frankly, I did not want to go bigger.
Maybe with another wool would have been more enjoyable.
But I had a pretty thick wool ... the red heart super saver ... (yeah we also exhaust inventories) and so I shortened!
I had a fairly reasonable square.
I just did a purple border to remind the flowers, a green edge to the petals and that's the job !!!
AND ...... Finally the result does not displease me ...
An idea of a book or view on a blog ... whatever ...
But sometimes or often there are projects that we like even more !! and here we are pressed to do ...
So we leave our first works for some time ...
But we must finish these works.
Either for ourselves !! for job satisfaction.
Or maybe to reassure our man who panics at the thought that still buy wool !!!
Or perhaps to please a Little Miss awaiting her little blanket ... (sweet little girl who is patient !!!)
Or for 3 reasons !!!
I started last fall, blanket view in a book !!
Go and see old posts !!
And as I said other things came to take the place of this cover ... but I had to finish it !!
Except that the original model is much bigger and always with granny and flowers.
Superb !!
But frankly, I did not want to go bigger.
Maybe with another wool would have been more enjoyable.
But I had a pretty thick wool ... the red heart super saver ... (yeah we also exhaust inventories) and so I shortened!
I had a fairly reasonable square.
I just did a purple border to remind the flowers, a green edge to the petals and that's the job !!!
AND ...... Finally the result does not displease me ...
Un autre enfant qui est content: c'est mon petit gars!
Car son ensemble bonnet -écharpe est prêt pour l'hiver... (il me demande déjà un pull avec des dessins de marins...c'est une obsession!)
Et pour celles qui me suivent sur Instagram...vous avez des aperçus d'un pull pour garçon que je suis en train de faire!
Mais pas de fausses idées, rien à voir avec les motifs de marins!!
Enfin tout cela pour dire que d'autres petits gars vont être contents si une tricoteuse de leur connaissance leur fait le fameux Galeon!!!
et comme entre les deux mon cœur balance!!!
Je décide que le patron va revenir à mes deux frenchies super gentilles!!
Franchement avec juste vos deux commentaires, j'avais pas le cœur de vous départager!!
Alors Mine et souris Liberty.... si vous voulez recevoir le patron au tricot du Galeon, en français s'il vous plait!!
envoyez moi un message via Contact-me dans le haut à droite du blog!! avec votre email!!
cela reste confidentiel.. entre nous quoi!! mais comme cela je vais pouvoir vous envoyer par email perso, le PDF du Galeon.
J'attends de vos nouvelles (enfin si vous n'êtes pas trop endormies par la chaleur de votre pays en ce moment!!).
Another child who is happy: my little guy!
His set is ready for winter ... (he already asked me a sweater with drawings of sailors ... it's an obsession!)
And for those who follow me on Instagram ... you can see parts of a sweater for boy I'm doing!
But no misconceptions, nothing to do with the world of the sea!!
Finally all this to say that other little guys will be happy if a knitter their knowledge made them famous Galeon !!!
and as between the two balance my heart !!!
I decide that the pattern will come back to my two Frenchies super nice !!
Frankly with just your two comments, I did not have the heart to separate you !!
While Mine and souris liberty .... if you want to receive the boss knitting Galeon in French please !!
send me a message via Contact-me in the upper right of the blog !! with your email !!
it remains confidential between us .. what !! but as I can email you personal, the PDF Galeon.
I expect from you (well if you are not too sleepy due to the heat in your country right now !!).
His set is ready for winter ... (he already asked me a sweater with drawings of sailors ... it's an obsession!)
And for those who follow me on Instagram ... you can see parts of a sweater for boy I'm doing!
But no misconceptions, nothing to do with the world of the sea!!
Finally all this to say that other little guys will be happy if a knitter their knowledge made them famous Galeon !!!
and as between the two balance my heart !!!
I decide that the pattern will come back to my two Frenchies super nice !!
Frankly with just your two comments, I did not have the heart to separate you !!
While Mine and souris liberty .... if you want to receive the boss knitting Galeon in French please !!
send me a message via Contact-me in the upper right of the blog !! with your email !!
it remains confidential between us .. what !! but as I can email you personal, the PDF Galeon.
I expect from you (well if you are not too sleepy due to the heat in your country right now !!).
Have a really good day friends!
Miss xx
What a delight, the blanket is beautiful a truly wonderful creation and I also love the hat the anchor motif is amazing.
RépondreEffacerBeautiful! I'm sure your little miss must be delighted! x
RépondreEffacerA simply beautiful blanket x
RépondreEffacerGorgeous blanket that looks so very pretty on her bed! Love the flowers! xx
RépondreEffacerOoooh! trop Bien ! je suis super contente ! :) Merciiiiii !
RépondreEffacerEt ta couverture est magnifique , tres fille juste ce qu'il faut !
Tout est três beau !!!!! Du beau travail !!!!
A beautiful little blanket, sure to delight any little girl! And a cute little hat too!
RépondreEffacerHappy weekend.
Helen xox
Superbe travail !!!! ton plaid est superbe ! bon week end !
RépondreEffacerJe rentre de vacances où j'étais déconnecté je découvre avec joie les résultats de ton concours! Trop chouette, mille mercis ma Miss!
RépondreEffacerJe te contacte illico pour te donner mon mail et je connais un souriceau qui va porter un galeon cet hiver;). Ta blanket girly est adorable. Des bises.