Congratulations, Mamasmercantile and BumbleBri,
you are my two winners!! as you both sent me a cute message!
Please now send me your email via Contact Me Form just under my profile (here on the right)
And I will send you the pattern in PDF via email today!!
Hope you will like it and your little girls too and do not forget to send me a link when your doll is done!!
Thank you again for your great support and nice messages.
Congrats to the winners !!! Tu as été vraiment généreuse ! Bonne journée, bises
RépondreEffacerBravo aux participantes et lauréates, j'espère voir leurs réalisations ;-)
RépondreEffacerOh! Zut ! Quelques jours de vacances et ...j'ai loupé cette magnifique pepette ! Elle est vraiment trop trop belle ! Bravo aux gagnantes mais surtout à toi pour ce beau patron ...
Hi! I keep trying to leave the email and comment in the form, but it doesn't work for me. This is my email:
RépondreEffacerAgain, THANK YOU!!!! :-)
Pour ne plus rien manquer je suis maintenant ton blog !:)
RépondreEffacerBon we, bisessssss
Congrats to the lucky lucky winner! I hope you are having a lovely day friend!!!! And a good weekend to you! Nicole xoxo