mercredi 23 avril 2014

Thing done and Projects

That's it!

I finished this doll, I wanted to change a little doll pattern and I tried  with a rabbit.
I made a monkey too for my little boy.
And I am thinking to make a monkey doll serie.
But for now here is the rabbit.
And the polka dot sweater.

I made the little skirt with the fabric of an old underskirt.

Not bad for the first time rabbit doll!!

The doll will be on my esty shop soon.

Well, I like to have several projects at the same time which allows me to change when I'm tired with a colour or a pattern.
And I started it......

I wanted something with summer colours.
It seems that the fashion this summer is tribal, like aztec, améridian.
I had this wool and these colours.
I'm doing a little something and I will show you the result next time.

Oh, and I making another something for my girl.
For her room in fact!

Sure you guess what!!

I still miss some flowers to finish this project.
I really love this kind of project and colours that brighten my rainy days.
If I could I put everywhere to make me feel in summer!!!
I need Sun and heat (not too much, just enough ).

I Will show you this project finished too next time.

I'm making a coat to my little boy for this spring ( fresh days!!)
I have so much book with pattern.
And I have a preference for magazines like Bergère de France and Phildar for Kids.
They have so much easy patterns you can arrange for yourself.

And I'm on a project for baby again.
And I still have the blanket with purple flowers that grows!!

I admire my  friends who have only one  project at a time and that lead to the end.
I'm not able!! I need it more...

And YOU???

Tell me how many projects do you have at the same time???

Hope you will have a good end of week and a great week end.


jeudi 17 avril 2014

For the love of Polka Dots...

Despite this week's snow, Yet!!!
It feels like spring.
We had a wonderful blue sky.

And it gave me the urge of cake fruits.
Try it!!
When your cake is cooked and still hot, spread sour cream on top and it will melt and give your cake a soft touch.

Seeds grow well and waiting for the real spring!!!!

My cover also grows........slowly!!
one or two squares a day so... it is long.

And the best part of this post :

a collection of polka dots.
I'm in love with polka dots, it is so Chic and Classic!!
Don't you think??
Well, you can find so much variety of polka dots.
This is my variety, and I share it with you.
But the idea is that I'm making a doll with red and white and I was thinking of making a pull over with polka dots. and I just search for inspiration to do it.

First, My favorite dress, I like it !!!!! found on the web.

The best english touch: Cath Kidston Raincoat!!!
My husband offered me this coat last year for anniversary wedding and I love it.
The truth is : everything Cath Kidston is WONDERFUL.
I also have 2 bags from England Cath Kidston  (show you another day!!)
It's too bad there is no shop Cath Kidston in my Area (Canada)
But Thank you the Web!!

A Small pocket received as a gift.

A needle pocket that I made last year, can you see the dots!!

A chic polka dots scarf for spring and summer.

A simple bag to store wool or knit work.

                                                  And this luxurious scarf, a holiday souvenir.

Now you want to know how to make dots.
simple, very simple.
Just draw a dot and knit it.
see the example:

Also you can make a list of colours that match together for a result to your taste.

Hope it will help you.

Hi to the polka dots lovers!!!!

Miss xx

jeudi 10 avril 2014

A Beautiful day.

Today was a beautiful day! Spring is going to be here for real!
The birds sang early in the morning and the sun was shiny.
And I had a beautiful afternoon just knitting and crocheting and sewing...

Are you buttons addict?
So am I...
And I think if there is a big variety of something in the world, it is Buttons!!!!
I bought bags of buttons and some are very special!

                              Those as above!!

                                          I selected my favorite colours and make my choice.

And it inspired me to make these little baby shoes!!
I said last time I was preparing something special for baby.
And as I 'm going to be aunt for the second time, I had a pleasure to knit something.
And ... the baby is a GIRL!!!
great !! I love to make things for girl (I think it is easier than for a boy )
But anyway, I have a nephew and I 'm in love with him!!
But he is not a baby anymore!!
And boys don't like accessories as much as girls.

Well, I made these little baby shoes for spring and summer with cotton and I sew kind of modern brodery!!
And I think it will be wonderful with these clothes.

                                           So I chose my buttons and I found these !!!
                                                                Inspiring NO!!!

 And I was thinking to make baby shoes for those who can't knit and those who are having a baby soon.
                                   So I knit the pink baby shoes , I selected buttons to go in them.

                                                             I crocheted flowers too!
                                                            And of course, I had a tea!!
                                          Amd at the end of the afternoon, this is the Result!!!!

It will be on sale soon!!
And I going to make more with different looks..

I hope you enjoyed your day,

Miss. xxx 

lundi 7 avril 2014

A little sweetness!

A bit of sweetness today by the choice of my colours!

First, the doll I made this week end.
I wanted a sweet doll with pink just for girls, and I was in love with the fabric, the dots!! I love dot!
And I was happy because I had exactly the same colours of the fabric in my wool.
And the result is:

I want the same panty hose!!!!!!!
The pink and the light brown are well together.

                                              The blanket I am crocheted for our guest room.
                                                The room is paint with a very pastel purple.
                                       And I wanted a blanket with colours that show up the purple.
                                                     I had this super saver wool that match!
                                                    And I made flowers for more sweetness.

                                          The begining!!! I look forward to see all the blanket.
I found the pattern in a beautiful book!

                                                 You know I love book too much I think...
                      But you can find so much things in there to help you to create or just give you the basics.
                                     Well, I felt in love with this book because of sweetness!!
                                               And this wonderful blanket!
                                         So I decided to make it for our guest room.

I am preparing another thing with sweetness in there!! just for babies!
What do you have more sweet than a baby???
So as I am becoming aunt for the second time, I am making a collection for babies.
I look forward to show you next post.

enjoy xx

vendredi 4 avril 2014

Busy Week

I had a busy busy week!!
events happened so fast... with family, school, work.

But I found time to knit and sew during evening, just to relax.

Do you remember the different fabric coupons I had.

It becomes:
ET Voilà..... Skirts. The pink serie...
 The Green serie....
 Skirts that will help me to chose my colours of wool to knit dolls...
I like to begin with fabric first to conceive a doll.
It is easier to find wool with desired colours to match with your fabric! than fabric that match with your wool.
Whatever, I have so much wool, that I always find something.

If you are mad about TEA like me, you are mad about accesories to prepare Tea.
and of course you are crazy about Tea cozy.
you can find patterns on the web, but what a real satisfaction when you conceive yours.
I made this one with coton I found in France. It's medium cotton and it is soft. But it keeps warm enough
and I made it with  bright colours to change of the snow!!!
As I said last time, we have a very long winter this year in Canada and it helps to have colours around you to give you joy and vitamins to your eyes!

 I found how to make flowers for my Tea cozy in this book I like very much. I made my arrangement by myself. And this is the result.
So much choices of flowers and if you change colours of flowers, it gives you more choices! What a great book...

 Oh, and this doll (last born) is finished.
What do you think???

 I tried to make an infinity scarf with flower to remind the skirt.
But it was just a try!

hope you will have a great week end.

enjoy. x
