mercredi 23 avril 2014

Thing done and Projects

That's it!

I finished this doll, I wanted to change a little doll pattern and I tried  with a rabbit.
I made a monkey too for my little boy.
And I am thinking to make a monkey doll serie.
But for now here is the rabbit.
And the polka dot sweater.

I made the little skirt with the fabric of an old underskirt.

Not bad for the first time rabbit doll!!

The doll will be on my esty shop soon.

Well, I like to have several projects at the same time which allows me to change when I'm tired with a colour or a pattern.
And I started it......

I wanted something with summer colours.
It seems that the fashion this summer is tribal, like aztec, améridian.
I had this wool and these colours.
I'm doing a little something and I will show you the result next time.

Oh, and I making another something for my girl.
For her room in fact!

Sure you guess what!!

I still miss some flowers to finish this project.
I really love this kind of project and colours that brighten my rainy days.
If I could I put everywhere to make me feel in summer!!!
I need Sun and heat (not too much, just enough ).

I Will show you this project finished too next time.

I'm making a coat to my little boy for this spring ( fresh days!!)
I have so much book with pattern.
And I have a preference for magazines like Bergère de France and Phildar for Kids.
They have so much easy patterns you can arrange for yourself.

And I'm on a project for baby again.
And I still have the blanket with purple flowers that grows!!

I admire my  friends who have only one  project at a time and that lead to the end.
I'm not able!! I need it more...

And YOU???

Tell me how many projects do you have at the same time???

Hope you will have a good end of week and a great week end.


4 commentaires:

  1. hello! Thank you for popping round my blog and my sincere apologies for the lateness of my reply to you. I am loving what you are able to do with a ball of wool - skills I can only dream of! My knitting and crotchet skills leave something to be desired shall we say!
    Best wishes,
    BH x

    1. Whatever You do with your skills, if You have Good time to do something It Is the beginning!!!
      I like tour blog too as I find a Little of myself on It.
      Miss xx

  2. Hello this is my first visit to your blog. Such prettiness. Like you I have many projects on the go at the same time. It's how I am. I get fed up doing the same thing for too long so need to chop and change. :-) Anne x

    1. Thank You for visiting.
      Your cards are beautiful and You do a wonderful job.
      Good to share ideas.
      Come back to visit Every time You want.
      Miss xx


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Your comments are precious to me.
And Come back visiting again.......
Miss xx